Observing the freak show

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The definition of freedom

What is freedom? How do we define freedom? It is a value.. ,an asset, and must be earned, just as any other of human values in our moral code are.Freedom represents the cornerstone of our very existence, it is as essential to our existence as air or water.
What makes freedom even more valuable, is that we can so easily be deprived of it, by giving in to any sort of impulse to sell ourselves or our moral code short.Freedom in any form is earned by excellence in that area, as are the other values, which are all by products of reason, purpose & self esteem.
All of these are initimately allied with the definition of freedom,Failure to comply within the bounds & responsiblities associated with any of these will reduce freedom.The reason freedom is so sought after, is that it is a rare & beautiful thing, to have & to bestow, its ephemeral nature makes it difficult to contain, to constrain.
The one thing all people across any border or barrier, have in common is that they all have the freedom of thought, It is sad that this is very much underutilized, as it cannot be taxed, it cannot be controlled, and people cannot be forced not to think. Sir M. Visweswaraya once said 'Industrialize or perish', he may as well have said 'Think, or perish'.All the significant achievements of the industiral age are by products of the power of unwearying human thought,
while hoaxes & conspiracy theories abound, (something about the world's end in 2012, a most bizarre one I might add...).
Before I fly off completely on a different tangent,.. violating reason's constraints, aka lying, will doubtless curb freedom,because lies are like potato chips... you cannot have just one.A purpose contrary to achieving your highest ideals...well.. just reading it is enough to see where its wrong isnt it.. in short, compromise, sacrifice,settling for something lesser,it is the death knell of progress.Lesser progress, lesser freedom.Loss of self esteem, lowering your own value, is a crime of great magnitude, it is a greater crime than overpricing one's self, because the punishment for this sort of crime is longer, more drawn out & infinitely more painful, it often manifests as a loss of confidence in one's abilities, hence a loss of judgement, further perpetuating the same vicious cycle.
Thus, it can be seen, that freedom, like all other values, is a state of mind intimately tied to the three greatest virtues, thought, purpose, & self esteem.What does it mean to be truly free? Freedom from what? How is this obtained?

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